Zec 9:9-10
Rejoice heart and soul, daughter of Zion! Shout for joy, daughter of Jerusalem! Look, your king is approaching, he is vindicated and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. 10 He will banish chariots from Ephraim and horses from Jerusalem; the bow of war will be banished. He will proclaim peace to the nations, his empire will stretch from sea to sea, from the River to the limits of the earth.Psalms 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14
1 [Hymn of Praise Of David] I shall praise you to the heights, God my King, I shall bless your name for ever and ever.2 Day after day I shall bless you, I shall praise your name for ever and ever.
8 Yahweh is tenderness and pity, slow to anger, full of faithful love.
9 Yahweh is generous to all, his tenderness embraces all his creatures.
10 All your creatures shall thank you, Yahweh, and your faithful shall bless you.
11 They shall speak of the glory of your kingship and tell of your might,
13 Your kingship is a kingship for ever, your reign lasts from age to age. Yahweh is trustworthy in all his words, and upright in all his deeds.
14 Yahweh supports all who stumble, lifts up those who are bowed down.
Mt 11:25-30
25 At that time Jesus exclaimed, 'I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to little children.26 Yes, Father, for that is what it pleased you to do.
27 Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, just as no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
28 'Come to me, all you who labor and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.
29 Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30 Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.'
Rom 8:9, 11-13
9 You, however, live not by your natural inclinations, but by the Spirit, since the Spirit of God has made a home in you. Indeed, anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.11 and if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead has made his home in you, then he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your own mortal bodies through his Spirit living in you.
12 So then, my brothers, we have no obligation to human nature to be dominated by it.
13 If you do live in that way, you are doomed to die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the habits originating in the body, you will have life.
life cease to be painful and troublesome with God as the center of our lives. we live in Him and Him lives in us. I love you, Lord. bless our union (Rene and I) for we truly and faithfully love each other. we may unite together to praise your glory and proclaim your good news to everyone.